The first step is to familiarize yourself with the terminology and learn how to code in Python, which is a popular programming language for data science and AI. Once you have mastered Python, you can start exploring more advanced topics. Read articles, take online courses, and try out new AI tools. This iterative process will transform you from a novice to an expert.
What is the opportunity of AI?
Another option is to join Explore AI Learning Opportunities, both online and offline. Joining forums, GitHub and LinkedIn groups, and attending conferences can be great ways to stay current with the latest trends, get help when you’re stuck, and make connections with other AI enthusiasts. In addition to learning through coding, hands-on AI projects accelerate your understanding and cultivate essential skills in problem-solving and creativity.
Enhanced Accessibility
AI technologies like speech recognition, natural language processing and computer vision can enhance accessibility for students with disabilities. For example, students with hearing impairments may require subtitles or transcriptions for video content. Creating these transcripts manually requires training and can take four times as long as the duration of a video. AI-enabled captioning and text-to-speech capabilities are much faster, enabling students to consume content independently.
AI can also improve equity by addressing bias and reducing the skills gap. For example, facial recognition algorithms are often designed by and trained on white faces, which can perpetuate or amplify existing biases in society. By promoting AI education and awareness, teachers can support equitable outcomes for all students.